NEWSBREAKING !!!: #RevolutionNow : Gunshots as policemen, soldiers chase protesters in Lagos

It is said that sounds of major gunshots were heard around the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos when Police officers and soldiers chased the RevolutionNow protesters out of the area.

It could be recalled that the protesters, who arrived at the stadium around 7am on Monday, for the kick-off of the protest met a detachment of policemen at the entrance of the stadium. Some soldiers later joined the policemen.

Eliaz Ozikpu, who was one of the protesters lamented that he was discussing the protest plans with others when security operatives crossed over the road to meet them.
“We were standing here, while they watched us from the other side. Suddenly, they moved on us and said we can’t talk to the press. We weren’t even talking to the press yet. We were addressing ourselves,” Ozikpu was quoted as saying.

“The protesters, however, started chanting calling for the release of Omoyele Sowore, convener of the movement who was arrested Saturday by operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS),” the report added.
It was known that the Police and The Presidency had categorised the protest as treasonable felony and warned the organisers to abandon the venture but lawyers and activists disagreed, saying that street protest cannot be regarded as treason.
